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 Seattle on the block

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Le Snipe
Le Snipe

Messages : 22857
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2014
Âge : 30
Localisation : Ste-Catherine

Seattle on the block Empty
MessageSujet: Seattle on the block   Seattle on the block EmptySam 2 Mar - 23:52

Adam Nemec * Seattle on the block 4254695987 AG C 21 925 000 2 40 88 88 84 79 86 71 89 98 68 69 56 63 86 78 80 Seattle on the block 2553867913
Victor Eklund Seattle on the block 4254695987 AG C 22 5 000 000 3 46 83 91 88 74 83 58 90 87 73 84 53 51 87 71 79
LJ Mooney Seattle on the block 4254695987 AG C 22 925 000 2 60 89 91 87 69 71 39 85 82 79 84 55 60 89 59 78 Seattle on the block 2553867913 (Elite-)
Berkly Catton Seattle on the block 4254695987 C AG 23 3 500 000 2 46 85 89 88 71 75 59 87 92 65 81 59 61 87 68 77
Michael Rasmussen Seattle on the block 4254695987 C AG 30 1 800 000 3 47 74 74 74 80 76 80 74 86 71 82 59 80 74 78 77
Aatu Raty Seattle on the block 4254695987 AD C 26 5 775 000 3 75 81 81 83 84 85 77 85 86 74 83 68 75 81 82 80
Alexis Lafrenière Seattle on the block 4254695987 AD AG 27 5 500 000 3 43 85 86 88 79 82 75 88 88 80 50 59 80 86 78 79
Jamie Drysdale Seattle on the block 4254695987 D - 27 3 500 000 3 46 75 89 89 81 85 62 89 87 76 55 61 70 84 76 77
Jackson LaCombe Seattle on the block 4254695987 D - 28 3 000 000 4 41 75 85 82 79 81 79 85 93 75 55 46 58 80 79 76
Will Borgen Seattle on the block 4254695987 D - 32 2 800 000 3 39 61 75 70 86 86 79 79 73 71 41 57 72 68 83 74

Tout ca est dispo, je veux brasser un peu les cartes encore plus
Je me cherche un gros RW!!

Seattle on the block Cale_m10
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