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 David Perron

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Messages : 54732
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2011

David Perron Empty
MessageSujet: David Perron   David Perron EmptySam 26 Avr - 18:29

NHL has awarded David Perron (R) of Los Angeles Kings as Player Of The Week He registered 4 goals and 3 assists for 7 points in 3 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Canada, David Perron was originally drafted to the NHL by the St. Louis Blues in the 1st round of the 2007 entry draft. He has appeared in 712 NHL games during his career, notching 228 goals and adding 290 assists along with 606 penalty minutes. The 29 year old right wing has played 42 games with the Los Angeles Kings this season, totalling 21+20=41 with 41 PIM.
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